Posted by mady | Posted in Examples of RTSP | Posted on 9:23 PM
The following examples refer to stream description formats that are not standards, such as RTSL. The following examples are not to be used as a reference for those formats.
Media on Demand (Unicast)
Client C requests a movie from media servers a ( and V ( The media description is stored on a web server W. The media description contains descriptions of the presentation and all its streams, including the codecs that are available, dynamic RTP payload types, the protocol stack, and content information such as language or copyright restrictions. It may also give an indication about the timeline of the movie.
Even though the audio and video track are on two different servers, and may start at slightly different times and may drift with respect to each other, the client can synchronize the two using standard RTP methods, in particular the time scale contained in the RTCP sender reports.
Streaming of a Container file
For purposes of this example, a container file is a storage entity in which multiple continuous media types pertaining to the same end-user presentation are present. In effect, the container file represents an RTSP presentation, with each of its components being RTSP streams. Container files are a widely used means to store such presentations. While the components are transported as independent streams, it is desirable to maintain a common context for those streams at the server end.
This enables the server to keep a single storage handle open easily. It also allows treating all the streams equally in case of any prioritization of streams by the server.
It is also possible that the presentation author may wish to prevent selective retrieval of the streams by the client in order to preserve the artistic effect of the combined media presentation. Similarly, in such a tightly bound presentation, it is desirable to be able to control all the streams via a single control message using an aggregate URL.
The following is an example of using a single RTSP session to control multiple streams. It also illustrates the use of aggregate URLs.
Client C requests a presentation from media server M . The movie is stored in a container file. The client has obtained an RTSP URL to the container file.
In the first instance of failure, the client tries to pause one stream (in this case video) of the presentation. This is disallowed for that presentation by the server. In the second instance, the aggregate URL may not be used for SETUP and one control message is required per stream to set up transport parameters.
This keeps the syntax of the Transport header simple and allows easy parsing of transport information by firewalls.
Single Stream Container Files
Some RTSP servers may treat all files as though they are "container files", yet other servers may not support such a concept. Because of this, clients SHOULD use the rules set forth in the session description for request URLs, rather than assuming that a consistent URL may always be used throughout
Live Media Presentation Using Multicast
The media server M chooses the multicast address and port. Here, we assume that the web server only contains a pointer to the full description, while the media server M maintains the full description.
Media on Demand (Unicast)
Client C requests a movie from media servers a ( and V ( The media description is stored on a web server W. The media description contains descriptions of the presentation and all its streams, including the codecs that are available, dynamic RTP payload types, the protocol stack, and content information such as language or copyright restrictions. It may also give an indication about the timeline of the movie.
Even though the audio and video track are on two different servers, and may start at slightly different times and may drift with respect to each other, the client can synchronize the two using standard RTP methods, in particular the time scale contained in the RTCP sender reports.
Streaming of a Container file
For purposes of this example, a container file is a storage entity in which multiple continuous media types pertaining to the same end-user presentation are present. In effect, the container file represents an RTSP presentation, with each of its components being RTSP streams. Container files are a widely used means to store such presentations. While the components are transported as independent streams, it is desirable to maintain a common context for those streams at the server end.
This enables the server to keep a single storage handle open easily. It also allows treating all the streams equally in case of any prioritization of streams by the server.
It is also possible that the presentation author may wish to prevent selective retrieval of the streams by the client in order to preserve the artistic effect of the combined media presentation. Similarly, in such a tightly bound presentation, it is desirable to be able to control all the streams via a single control message using an aggregate URL.
The following is an example of using a single RTSP session to control multiple streams. It also illustrates the use of aggregate URLs.
Client C requests a presentation from media server M . The movie is stored in a container file. The client has obtained an RTSP URL to the container file.
In the first instance of failure, the client tries to pause one stream (in this case video) of the presentation. This is disallowed for that presentation by the server. In the second instance, the aggregate URL may not be used for SETUP and one control message is required per stream to set up transport parameters.
This keeps the syntax of the Transport header simple and allows easy parsing of transport information by firewalls.
Single Stream Container Files
Some RTSP servers may treat all files as though they are "container files", yet other servers may not support such a concept. Because of this, clients SHOULD use the rules set forth in the session description for request URLs, rather than assuming that a consistent URL may always be used throughout
Live Media Presentation Using Multicast
The media server M chooses the multicast address and port. Here, we assume that the web server only contains a pointer to the full description, while the media server M maintains the full description.
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Thanks for explaining it with example now i understand the what is RTSP.
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